All statistical studies agree on one thing: married people live longer and enjoy a higher quality of life. However, there is one aspect that challenges this statement: conflict. Due to cohabitation, the formation of a family, and the many problems that life presents, couples sometimes experience severe strain in their relationship, which can lead to a definitive breakup if not addressed. This is where the importance of couples therapy comes in.

Why opt for couples therapy?

There are many symptoms that indicate discomfort within a relationship and suggest that there are problems: increased tension and arguments, no longer sharing activities, reduced sexual intimacy, loss of trust, and much more.

With appropriate treatment, it is possible to achieve therapeutic recovery of the relationship and even improve understanding and stability. At Eva Jiménez, Sanitary Psychology & Mindfulness, you can find the tools you need to strengthen your relationship, improve communication, and gain the skills to face the future together.

psicologia parejas

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